Traditional In-Ground Catholic Burial in Philadelphia

In-Ground Burial

The most traditional form of burial is called an in-ground, or below-ground, burial. This type of service typically involves a casket, as well as a memorial tribute such as a plaque or tombstone. Read below for more details on the components of this burial option.

If, then, we have died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him.

Romans 6: 8

The souls of the just are in the hand of God, and no torment shall touch them.

Wisdom 3: 1

Choose traditional Catholic below-ground burial if you:

  • Want flowers and other decorations to be placed at the site
  • Want outdoor visitations
  • Want a marker or monument
  • Want to be alongside other loved ones
  • Want to be cremated within the guidelines of the Catholic Church (the Catholic church requires that cremated remains be buried or entombed in the same manner as bodily remains)
a white flower on a plant

Have You Already Selected Your Space?

Schedule a consultation to speak with a burial planning advisor about securing cemetery products.

Five components of a Catholic Cemetery in-ground burial:

You can learn more about traditional below ground burial at any of the 12 Philadelphia Catholic Cemeteries in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia by requesting a free, no-obligation advance planning guide filled with helpful information.
  • The grave site is the space or plot within the cemetery. If you’ve already purchased your space, you can complete your advance planning by setting up a consultation to purchase the remaining necessary components
  • The casket is the beautiful vessel that holds the deceased during wake services, and contains the deceased during burial. The casket can include cremation urns.
  • The vault is installed in the burial site first, prior to placing the casket. The vault provides protection for the casket, and helps to maintain a flat and level gravesite, in turn providing safe, sure footing for your loved ones.
  • The opening-and-closing service is to prepare the gravesite for burial. It consists of ground opening, closing (back-filling), and landscaping (to restore the gravesite's appearance).
  • A memorial is a tribute installed at the grave site to honor and celebrate a life worth remembering. The two main options are flat granite “markers” (typically installed at memorial parks) and upright granite “monuments” or tombstones (typically installed at cemeteries).

*Valid March 14, 2025 through March 31, 2025 on advance planning purchases of monuments, markers or benches. Offer not valid in all States. Please contact your nearest Everstory Partners/Memorial Planning location for details. Excludes prior purchases. Cannot be combined with any other discounts or promotions. We reserve the right to modify or cancel this promotion at any time without notice.
